
Dental implant:

After the loss of one or more teeth every time there are more and more people seeking treatment with dental implants. This is thanks to the implants we can replace one or more teeth in a way that there is no need to use removable dentures and also not wear down healthy teeth to get what is known as fixed bridges.

Advances in technology and metallurgy have enabled metals such as titanium that have the quality to be highly biocompatible, be able to harmonize the body, thus achieving osseointegration with bone.

As we all know, the absence of teeth affects us, to perform various functions like chewing, swallowing, phonation, influences in the bad dental position and reabsorption of bone, leading to a rapid aging in the face of the patient thus affecting their confidence and self esteem.

Frequently asked questions:

What is the first step to get implants?

We recommend a complete diagnosis to determine the feasibility of placing an implant in each patient. This diagnosis includes radiographic exam, clinical exam, mouth impression of the patient, medical history and any other analysis that might contraindicate the surgical procedure.

How are dental implants placed?

First, local anesthesia is applied, ensuring that the procedure is painless. Following is the exposure of the bone after a cut in the gum. Immediately we proceed to carry out the drilling of the bone to the desired depth (10mm to 15mm), which is then the implant is bolted or introduced. The surrounding gingiva is sutured if necessary and then you wait about 3 or 4 months to place the implant on the dental crown. Some authors understand that they can rehabilitate the crowns immediately after placing it, but we believe it is preferable to wait for a better osseointegration.

How long will it take to place an implant?

From the moment the anesthesia is placed, approximately 30 minutes. The procedure could be faster or slower depending on the patient's bone.

How painful is the procedure and the postoperative period?

Mostly, everybody that requires an implant is because they have lost a tooth, in this sense can we ensure that the discomfort is lower when compared to a dental extraction. You must remember that the anesthesia suppresses any pain that might arise during the procedure. After completion of the procedure antibiotics are recommended, anti-inflammatories and painkillers to avoid possible complications.

How long does an implant last?

The success in the prosthetic treatment on implants is directly proportional to the habits of the patient especially hygiene habits, smoking and the habit of Bruxism (tighten or grind their teeth) is harmful to the implants. Another drawback is the improper placement of crowns over the implants by the dental technician. If we take these factors into account we can ensure a long life of the implants, we have patients with more than 20 years without major problems in their mouths.

What inconveniences prevent the placement of implants to patients?

Previously the quality and quantity of bone was considered as a prerequisite for an implant placement. This is still the main requirement for this purpose, today this is achieved with the so-called bone graft either with blocks of anthologist bone (of the same patient), of another patient or animal bone. Other disadvantages come from patients that smoke since nicotine affects the osseointegration of the implant. Other patients such as uncontrolled diabetics, patients with inmmune deficiencies, chronic renal failure, liver cirrhosis, schizophrenics, hemophilia and other blood dyscrasias may be considered as contraindications.


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It is the habit of grinding and clenching your teeth, no matter w hat time of the day it is  with different degrees of intensity and people usually are not aware that they are doing this.

Neurophysiologic illness of the jaw movements that in a progressive form, destroys the dental tissues.

Bruxism is a habit that the patients identify generally when they have caused damage to their dentures or to adjacent tissue. Even though it can be identified by the people who sleep next to the person suffering from bruxism through the sound that they make when they clench their teeth. There are many signs in the denture that indicate to the dentist the presence of this habit.


The main cause for bruxism is stress or emotional tension and it’s also associated with certain types of personalities like: people with aggressive tendencies, rushed or anxious, depressed people that suffer from pain and frustrations. Some investigations confirm that some prosthetics cause interference in the occlusion are also causes of bruxism.

Effects or damages of bruxism:

There are many damages caused by bruxism not only to the teeth but to other tissues. These are: enamel wear, hypersensitivity or dental pain, bites to the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks, face muscle pains, neck pain, strong headaches, pain in the opening of the mouth due to TMA, damaging the dental restorations and prosthetics, when  there are diseases in the gums due to bad hygiene, tooth loosening and loss can occur. Also, bruxism, can give you chronic pain in the face.


It is convenient to study each case in particular, know the age, customs of the patient and a proper health history. The most convenient is that the personal doctor studies the patient and that the dentist then fixes any anomaly in the mouth to protect the dentures and prevent or fix the damages caused by this.


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The reduction of the tension is easier said than done. Besides, it’s very unlikely to prevent bruxism. So, the reduction of tension, in the majority of cases, should be complemented by other modalities of the treatment.

The medics should investigate about smoking and excessive drinking by their patients, just like the use of anti-depressive moments before bruxism was first noticed. Cutting on smoking and drinking can help better bruxism. If bruxism appeared not long after the anti-depressive therapy started, the patient should consult their doctor to reduce their doses or to change medications.

Are you afraid of the dentist?

If you fear going to the dentist, you are not alone. Having fear of going to the dentist is nothing special and is something that most of us experience more or less throughout our lives. Although modern dentistry is as different experience. The dental techniques have evolved a lot in the past years and they offer confidence so you can go more relaxed to your dental consult.

The majority of people that feel fear of phobia going to the dentist need more than comprehension, understanding and patience.

Here are some interesting tips so the experience is better for you:

  1. Try to get a few minutes early before your appointment, that will give you time to be physically rested and relaxed.
  2. Control the situation with the dentist. Make them know that you need a pause or that you need a break. The fact of knowing that you can control the situation can reduce your level of anxiety.
  3. Occupy your mind while you wait, plan something that you have pending, read something interesting and pleasant. Free your mind of any negative images or the thought that something is going to go wrong.
  4. Music or images can help. A good music will help distract you and will filter out any noise from any instrument being used in the dental chair.
  5. You should always tell your dentist what your fears are and what worries you. Ask for any doubt that you may have in relation to the treatment that is going to be performed on you.

Modern dentistry tries to introduce new methods and less invasive treatments and more efficient that will allow anyone go more at ease and relaxed to the dentist.

Aesthetic odontology

Aesthetic  odontology is considered as the art of Odontology. Through it a cosmetic service is offered, but also a service is provided that aids good mental health. Many studies show that having a good image is a key ingredient in having a better self esteem. According to the studies, feeling attractive, in shape and healthy gives place to fewer sensations of depression, loneliness and insecurity.  It’s common to see the personality of an individual affected, when for some dental loss or defective restorations they hide their smile. Fortunately modern dentistry has valued the importance of aesthetics in the psychological development of the patient. There are so many aesthetic treatments that are offered in consults that these situations can be avoided for the patients.

The smile can be affected by different defects and dental alterations like: cavities, gum disease, un-proportioned teeth, teeth gaps, stains and dark colors, fractures and dental loss. Other causes of undesirable aesthetic are the restorations or the prosthetic rehabilitations made by un-experienced or unprepared dentist and the use of outdated instruments and equipment.

Aesthetic  odontology is capable of correcting the majority of the defects already mentioned through different specialties like: orthodontics, Periodontics, surgery, Implantology and above all Dental prosthetics. Some procedures used in dental prosthetics are for:  crowns, bridges (metal-porcelain & metal free), porcelain film, direct and indirect restorations with resins, crowns over implants among others.

When you speak about aesthetics we can’t forget the most solicited procedure in the consults which is dental whitening. Since more and more patients desire to show brighter whiter smiles, dentistry uses modern equipments capable of satisfying the dental bleaching of patients in just one appointment.

Aesthetic  odontology  is a science that with no doubt influences the self esteem of the individual and in the psychological development through life. We should also consider the desire to look attractive is not simply vanity, in a world socially, economically and sexually so competitive, having a good appearance is a necessity.

Tabaquism & Odontology

Is a chronic addiction generated by tobacco, the produces physical and psychological dependency just like a great number of cardiac and respiratory diseases.

The majority of dentists don’t speak to their patients about their habit of smoking because they don’t want to make them uncomfortable, but it is very important for the dentist that is worried for the health of its patient to treat this subject since it not only affects his/her dental health but health in general.

The heat produced by the combustion of the cigar will have direct contact with the oral mucosa, provoking damaging effects over itself, among them periodontitis, gingivitis, etc.

Many studies made around the world have demonstrated that the habit of smoking directly contributes in the development of periodontal diseases (of the gum) and that these  would be more grave if they are compared to non-smokers.

Some positive results from quitting smoking:

  1. Reduces the possibility of  lip and mouth cancer.
  2. Improves the sense of taste and smell.
  3. Reduces the risk of periodontal disease.
  4. Improves the result of dental treatments.
  5. Reduces noticeably halitosis.
  6. Reduces the possibility of dental pigmentation.


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